Scoil Aounghusa's Pumpkin Parade

Every year on Freaky Fashion Friday, Scoil Aonghusa Senior do a Pumpkin Parade! Every class in the school is involved and it is a great way to let children express their inner artist!
Scoil Aounghusa's Pumpkin Parade

.Pumpkin Parade.


This years annual pumpkin parade was fantastic! There were lots of pumpkins from gumball machines to minions and much more. Every class designs a pumpkin a few days before, then on freaky fashion Friday all classes go around and vote on their favourite pumpkin and the votes are counted.

This year there were two winners of the pumpkin parade. The two classes were....... Ms.Glancy and Ms.O'Carroll's classes as they had the most votes. Of course every other class did amazing! All pumpkins were different styles, some freaky, some cute and some funny. However many different styles of pumpkins, everybody should be very proud of themselves and their classmates! And seeing everybody's costumes as they paraded up and down the hall to their own song of choice was amazing. All the costumes looked fantastic and the SNAs and teachers dressed up too. It was a great day.

It truly was an amazing start to the Halloween break! 🎃

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Scoil Aonghusa Senior,
Dublin 24,

01 451 8984

© 2025 Scoil Aonghusa Senior