Local Supports for Children and Adults


Supports available in Scoil Aonghusa Senior

In school we have some supports that we can offer your child if they are refusing to come to school or experiencing social or emotional difficulties.

  • Support teacher programme- Ms Jennie Smith can provide support and a friendly ear for your child.
  • School Completion Project (SCP)- Noelle O’ Toole runs a number of programmes and groups around coping and social skills. Easter and Summer camps are also available.
  • Breakfast Club. Coming in early for breakfast can be a great way to settle into school for the day. Many children attend the breakfast club. It starts at 8.15 and cereal, toast and drinks are provided. (Closed during current climate)
  • Home School Community Liaison Co-ordinator (HSCL)- John Benson can visit your home and discuss your concerns and let you know what supports the school can offer. (086 1806074, johnbensonsaj@gmail.com
  • Principal and Deputy Principal- You can make an appointment to meet with Ms. Hamilton or Ms. Owens to keep communication open between the school and home and try and come up with a plan to help your child.
  • Meitheal- Meitheal is a process that brings together people and services who want to support a child or parent so that he or she can make the changes to their life that they want or need. Examples of the challenges Meitheal could help with are: a child having problems at school, a child feeling down/anxious, child-parent relationship problems, family problems, bereavement, illness, challenging behaviour. You may be getting support from different services but finding it difficult to deal with them all at once. Meitheal brings everyone together. If you feel a Meitheal is an appropriate avenue for your child’s needs, contact John Benson on the above number.
  • PIPS (Psychologists in Primary Schools) Play therapy/counselling service for children who require it. Further details available from the school. In addition, t avail of this counselling outside of school, visit jifaca.com for further details. Telephone lines open every day between 2pm and 3 pm 085 2363187

Supports in the Community

For further information or access to the following, you can contact the services directly or contact J Benson and he can liaise on your behalf.


  • Daughters of Charity Child and Family Service (Mary Mercer centre, Jobstown): Offer supportive interventions for children aged 5-18 years. Comprised of parental support, group work and family work. Issues include parenting, behavioural difficulties, separation, abuse, depression, anxiety, stress, panic attacks, bereavement, domestic violence, child to parent violence, substance misuse. There will be a waiting list, but in the meantime, the outreach service will maintain contact. Contact details 01 458 5703 https://www.docchildandfamily.ie/

  • Village Counselling- Offers low cost counselling for adults and children. Based in Killinarden Enterprise Park. For further information contact Amanda Gilsenan at amanda@villagecounselling.ie or telephone 01-4664218 / 0879049497 for further information. villagecounselling.ie

  • Listening ear counselling and Psychotherapy service. Based in Firhouse, Killinarden Family Resource Centre, Kiltalown House and Springfield. Offers low cost therapy for children and adults. Phone Yvonne McKenna at 086 2291031 or Helen Roberts 085 7364698.

  • Jigsaw- Mental health and therapy support for 12-25 year olds, based on High Street Tallaght. jigsaw.ie and (01) 538 0087

  • Beacon of Iight Counselling Service: Low cost counselling for children and adults, beaconoflight.ie , 01 4578700, 4 Collinstown Grove, Neilstown

  • Newlands Institute for Counselling: Low cost counselling for children and adults 01 4594573, 2 Monastery Road, Clondalkin,

  • Oasis Counselling Services, Low cost counselling for children and adults, 01 4620012, Brookfield Enterprise Centre, Tallaght

  • St Catherines, Low cost counselling for adults 01 4513076, Priory, Tallaght

  • Hesed House: Low cost counselling for children and adults 014549474, 74 Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, hesedhouse.ie

  • HOPE- Suicide prevention drop in centre in Tallaght village, 087 1363082

  • Pieta House: (suicide prevention and self harm adult and child), 016200020

  • TurnToMe: Free online counselling and web based service for supporting adults, parents and children 12 years of age and up. For more information, see turn2me.ie Also has a crisis support text service. Text 50808 at any time for anonymised text conversations

Parenting/Family Supports

  • Barnardos : individual, group work and friendship groups with children aged 6-18. Seeks to promote child’s resilience and well being. Also provide family support in following areas: Parental separation, Children exposed to trauma, Homelessness, Bereavement / loss, Domestic violence, Parental substance abuse, Parent-child bonding and attachment, Parental mental health, Children leaving state care, Anxiety in very young children. In addition, Barnardos offer parental support in the following areas: Parent-child relationship and communication, Child Behaviour, Routines, Education, Physical development, Crisis management Contact details: Millbrook Child and Family Centre and Acorn Parent Coaching Programme, Millbrook Health Centre, St Dominic's Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Phone 01 - 452 5090 31 or email info@tallaght.barnardos.ie

  • Strengthening Families Programme: 14 week course for the whole family focusing on parent skills, child/teen skills and family skills. Takes place in various venues in Tallaght. Contact details on http://sfpcouncilireland.ie/strengthening-families/ Local contact: mayland@foroige.ie If you would like to be referred to the programme, contact John Benson

  • South Dublin Community Partnership: Works with children & families. Run afterschool activities such as kickboxing, gymnastics, dance (all in Mountain Park off Old Bawn Road), KICK programme (kickboxing and social skills in Brookfield),Parenting Support (Incredible Years) Contact Joy O Shaughnessy oshaughnessy@sdcpartnership.ie / 087 9808856 or J Benson for further details

  • Killinarden Family Resource Centre: Supporting families through: Counselling, information , Meitheal, parenting classes (with child care) , parent & toddler group, afterschool groups, Foroige , well-being classes/ other courses (with child care) Contact Mary, Sabrina or Gillian 01 4527143

  • St. Kevins Family Resource Centres, Kilnamanagh Girls School: Offers subsidised play therapy and counselling service, Rainbows programme for children suffering from loss due to divorce, bereavement, separation, mothers group with activities such as baking, meditation, first aid etc., Access to a parent-carer facilitator. The Parent Carer Facilitator offers support on a 1-1 basis on a number of issues for your child or you personally, from dealing with challenging behaviour, parenting supports to access and referral to other agencies. Also offers Parents Plus course. Contact: Tel: (01) 462 7149 /Email: info@stkevinsfrc.ie / www.stkevinsfrc.ie

  • TUSLA Dublin SouthWest family support service. Contact John Benson for further details and referral form

  • ONE FAMILY: One Family work to ensure a positive and equal future for people parenting alone, sharing parenting and parenting around separation – changing attitudes, policies, services and lives. It offers free/low cost counselling for parents and children as well as parenting courses, workshops and one on one support. Further information at www.onefamily.ie and 01 6629212

  • Parentline is a free national confidential helpline which provides support, guidance and information to parents. Parentline is open Monday to Thursday 10am to 9pm and Friday 10am to 4pm. It operates a limited weekend service from 10am to 2pm to meet increased demand. Further information at parentline.ie and 01 8733500 or 1890 927277

Special Needs

  • Tallaght Parents Autism Support Group: Children on the ASD spectrum can be particularly prone to anxiety. This voluntary group offers education and support advice for families and parents with children who are on the Autism spectrum. It offers advice and support on benefit entitlements and day to day living. It also assists with a wide range of courses in social and independent living such as social outings, after school clubs, and education advice for parents. It also runs support groups for parents and families who can come and chat and gain access to support. Contact details: 085 811 7576/ tpasg.info@gmail.com

  • TWIGS- sensory workshops after school for children with a diagnosis of autism. Currently run in Killinarden Enterprise Park. Further information on their facebook page.

  • Sensory Fun With Friends are a non profit parent led group that organise camps and weekly activities for children age 3-16 with complex additional needs (Sensory Processing Disorder, Down Syndrome, Intellectual Disability and ASD) together with their typically developed siblings to enjoy together. Can be contacted through facebook page.

  • Dyspraxia Ireland: Support group for parents of children with dyspraxia or DCD. Based in the Park Community Centre, Firhouse. Contact Carla at dyspraxiadsw@gmail.com for further details


  • STAY project for 10-12 year olds. Weekly youth group run by Foroige based in St Aengus Community centre and in Glenview Lodge. Interventions include group work, individual work, transfer programme to Tallaght Community School, Big Brother Big Sister programme, Therapy service and summer programmes. Contact John Benson for further details

  • scouts.ie The 24th Tallaght Scouts have a facebook page. Beaver scouts ages 6,7,8, Cub scouts 9,10,11, Scouts 12-15yrs. Phone 086 1551655

  • Citywise: Based in Jobstown, Citywise is an award winning, not-for-profit organisation which was set up to run education, sporting and personal development programmes. Catering for children aged 8 and up, Citywise offer clubs and activities that include cookery, computers, outings, hiking, swimming, art, crafts, music, science and technology. They also run an after schools club which support children with homework. Further details can be found at citywise.ie and 01-4049736. Also have a strong facebook presence.

Community Supports

  • JADD Project: JADD Family support group was set up in response to the need of families affected by addiction and the issues that come with it. In addiction, the addict has the disease but unfortunately the family suffer with the symptoms. The needs of the family members other than that of the drug using member are often ignored once addiction enters the home. Family members need support with daily problems they deal with on a constant basis. This is particularly true if there has been a bereavement. By attending support groups they can learn skills to support themselves. JADD offer group support and also one to one counselling if requested. They also offer holistic therapy to attendees. Contact 014597756/ jadd@iolfree.ie (beside Jobstown Community Centre)

  • Dominics Community Response Project: Located beside Millbrook Lawns Health Centre. Similar service to JADD, with extra focus on cocaine addiction. Family support group meet every Tuesday at 7pm. Contact: (01) 4148632 / 462 0624. Mobile: 083 33 77129 www.dominics.ie

  • CARP, Killinarden Heights. CARP works with people so that they don’t feel helpless when faced with the tragic consequences of problem drug use either to themselves, their families and their community. CARP tries to have a non-judgmental approach to individual drug use and works with each person so that they can address their addiction while ensuring that they cause minimal damage and injury to themselves, their families and their community. Contact: 01-4626033/0877144995 prac@eircom.net

  • YODA (Youth and Alcohol Service.) Offers individual and family support to young people under 18 and their families who are experiencing difficulties as a result of their drug or alcohol use. Team consists of psychiatrist, family therapist, clinical nurse specialist and counsellor. Based in Kilnamanagh/Tymon Primary Care Centre, Airton Road. Contact 01 9214978

  • FLAC (free legal advice) is an independent voluntary organisation. It tries to help people to understand and access their legal rights. Thus they offer free & confidential legal information and advice to the public, helping thousands of people every year. 1890 350250, flac.ie

  • GROW: A support group for adults. GROW is a charity that provides free, friendly community based peer support groups for anyone who is experiencing a mental health issue. Weekly meetings in many locations. grow.ie and 1890 474474

  • MABS- The Money Advice and Budgeting Service is the State’s money advice service which guides people through dealing with problem debt. An online self help tool is very useful if you would like guidance on managing your own budget and debt. Alternatively, MABS can work with you on a personal capacity if you prefer, free and confidential. mabs.ie and 0761072000

  • St Vincent de Paul Tallaght: 01 4031383

  • Mindmindr app- Useful app from South Dublin County Council with a directory of supports and services available in the area.
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