Active School

Active School

Scoil Aonghusa Senior is working towards achieving the Active School Flag. The Active School Flag is a non competitive initiative which highlights the importance of physical activity and sport in schools and communities in which they are based.The programme encourages all schools to evaluate their current position regarding the provision of P.E. and after-school sports. The school has selected representatives from 3rd - 6th Classes to form an 'Active Schools Committee' and these pupils work co-operatively with school staff. The committee meet and discuss activity-based topics within the school and community. The committee also encourages classmates to 'Be Active'. It is our overall aim to provide a wide and varied physical health programme in Scoil Aonghusa Senior. We want to raise the awareness of the importance of being active, how fun it can be, how you can make friends and enjoy the benefits of a happy, healthy lifestyle. Watch this space as we endeavour to achieve Active School Flag status over the next few months.

The Active School Committee

As a member of the Active School Committee I am going to tell you about what our committee does. My name is Ben Rogers. I am in 6th class. The other kids on the committee are Emma Gaffney, Dylan O’Toole, Nicola Staunton, Shannon Delaney, Cathal Hughes, Michelle Oropo and Caitlin Vaughan. Some of the children are in fifth class and some, like me, are in sixth class.
Last year, as part of Active School Week, we made a Powerpoint Presentation (click here to view) to all the classes in our school. We told everybody about all the activities that would be happening during Active School Week, it was good week. I loved the way I did the presentation, it was fun to make and I had a great time.

No events found
Here are the winners of the competition.
Here are the winning entries and some photos
Celebrating Times Tables Rock Stars and Attendance Heroes in Style...
Photo from the Morning Activities which included Basketball, Penalty Shoot-Out, Gaelic and Dancing.
Scoil Aonghusa Senior,
Dublin 24,

01 451 8984

© 2025 Scoil Aonghusa Senior