Catholic Schools Week 2023

Monday the 23rd to Friday the 27th of January
Catholic Schools Week 2023

It was a special week in Scoil Aonghusa Senior, with Catholic Schools Week marked in a number of ways.

Each morning, pupils from Ms. O’Donoghue’s 6th Class lead the school in prayers over the intercom. Well done to all the readers!

On Tuesday, the 5th classes went to St Mary's Priory for a special mass with pupils from the other schools in the neighbouring Dominican parishes. It was a wonderful opportunity for the pupils to spend time in the Priory.

Grandparents’ Day mass took place on Wednesday in our own Church and was attended by 3rd and 4th classes, as well as many of the parents and grandparents of the Parish.

On Friday morning, Fr. Ben joined us for assembly to mark the end of Catholic Schools Week in Scoil Aonghusa Senior.

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Scoil Aonghusa Senior,
Dublin 24,

01 451 8984

© 2025 Scoil Aonghusa Senior