Junior school bake sale

The junior school have very kindly invited us to participate in their bake sale.
Junior school bake sale

~Junior School Bake Sale~

The junior school have kindly invited us to come to their bake sale.There are homemade tasty treats from both senior and junior school children! The bake sale is held in the junior school hall. Every class has been given a time to go at, so that everyone isn't crammed into a room. All children have a choice if they want to buy a cake or not. Children can bring an empty lunch box or container to bring home cakes if they wish. All cakes are mostly affordable as they are 1 or 2 euro each.🍰

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Scoil Aonghusa Senior,
Dublin 24,

01 451 8984

© 2025 Scoil Aonghusa Senior